Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility

Newborn Child Care

It’s better to postpone bathing

Immediately after birth, most babies are coated with vernix, a natural protective layer. The original lubricant is the secretion of the sebaceous glands (which begin to work even in the prenatal period) and the scales of the epidermis. It is grayish-white in color. During the first two days, the grease is absorbed. This means you shouldn’t bathe your baby for the first few days according to YMCA child care. Any blood left on your baby after childbirth can be wiped off with a napkin with a few drops of baby oil. If there is original feces on the baby’s skin, it can be removed with a flannel napkin dipped in warm water.

First breastfeeding attachment

If you plan to feed your baby, then you need to attach it to the breast in the first minutes after birth. The baby is not yet very hungry, but it is important to start the milk production mechanism as soon as possible. The baby’s sucking reflex stimulates the mother’s production of a hormone that promotes milk flow. It is surprising that this same hormone causes the uterus to contract, which is very important for the rapid passage of the placenta and the prevention of blood loss after childbirth. Your midwife or doctor will help you get the correct posture so your baby can properly grip the nipple. Early attachment promotes the formation of a healthy microflora in the child’s body. The baby is born sterile: and the first contact with the mother allows the microflora of the mother to populate the baby’s body. One or two drops of milk that enter his body help the beneficial bacteria colonize the sterile intestine.

In the first few days after giving birth, your breasts produce an oily, creamy substance called colostrum. It contains a high concentration of antibodies and immune factors, which breast milk will no longer contain in 3-4 days. Vitamins and minerals are found in much higher concentrations than in breast milk for 3-4 days. Colostrum contains enzymes that break down and promote the absorption of nutrients. Proteins, fats and polysaccharides are in perfect balance and in a form that allows them to be easily absorbed. Colostrum has a mild laxative effect that stimulates the baby’s first stool (original feces). That is why it is so important to get your mother’s colostrum in the first minutes of a newborn’s life. No matter how insignificant these drops may seem to an adult, there is no more perfect milk formula in nature.

Thermoregulation mechanisms

Since the sweat glands of a newborn are not yet sufficiently developed, he practically does not sweat and cannot regulate body temperature himself. Compared to an adult, he has a relatively large skin surface, so the child quickly loses heat. It takes a baby almost six months to learn how to keep a constant body temperature.

A hot water bottle with warm water in a crib, warm woolen socks or a vest and a shirt made of fine wool – all this seemed superfluous before giving birth, but now you are holding a small wrinkled toddler in your arms and, of course, you understand how much warmth he needs as a daycare. Putting your baby on a small hat makes it much easier for him to keep warm. Keep an eye on your baby so that the hat does not slide over the forehead, otherwise this part of the body may overheat.

Please note: if the baby has a wet back of the head, the skin is red, and the hands are hot, this indicates that the baby is overheating. All a baby needs is to provide him with comfortable conditions. This is achieved by high-quality natural cotton and wool clothing and fresh air in a ventilated area. Cotton and wool materials give your baby a second skin, providing warmth and protection.

Navel daily care

After the baby is born, a clamp is placed on the navel and the cord is cut over the clamp. The clamp and the remainder of the umbilical cord should not be touched. During the first week, the cramp dries up and falls off on its own. You just need to ensure that the umbilical process does not come into contact with wet diapers and is not in a humid environment (does not come into contact with diapers.)